May angels wrap their wings around you, protect you and forever surround you with goodness.
May you always be kind, compassionate and gentle towards all living creatures.  
May you be healthy, wealthy, safe, successful, secure, humble and wise.
May you know true happiness and feel contentment every day.  
May you have all you ever need- and all you ever want.  
May peace be with you and all that you encounter.  
May you change this world for the better.
  I ask for you my sweet child.
~And so it is~ 
I love you!

*Find the magic.
*“Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”~A.A. Milne
*Always be yourself and embrace who you are.
*Find your own path.
*Every day do at least one thing that is good for each: your mind, body and soul.
*Everyday say “I instinctively know what is good for me and I am drawn towards it”
*Keep a bottle of Champaign in the refrigerator... ANTICIPATE A CELEBRATION…
*It is more important to DO right than to BE right.
*Do not allow toxic people to be in your life.  Choose to surround yourself with loving kind people. 
* All the cells of my body are daily bathed in the perfection of my divine being.
*Avoid people who exclude others ("un-saved"/non-Christians, Jews, Blacks, Gays, foreigners…) based on generalizations.  
*Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me. ~Matthew 25:40
*"Lead... with a strong hand... stand... when they can't."  
*The least of all are we. 
*Always show compassion towards all living creatures- even the smallest of animals. 
*Always offer a helping hand.
*When you go through a toll booth, pay for the car behind you.
*The best good deed is one that no one knows about (i.e. put a blank card with some cash in it for someone who is struggling at Christmas- even a small amount can lift someone’s spirit- yours too).
*Listen to the little voice inside your head.  Trust your instincts!!  Watch for signs and patterns in life.
*Forgive yourself when you mess up.  Life is full of opportunities to grow and learn.  Don’t dwell on the past.
*Do not allow anxiety to take over your life.  Worry, anxiety and panic are toxic to you.  They only hurt you mentally and physically and serve you no purpose. 
*“Change takes but an instant. It is the resistance to change that can take a lifetime.” ~Hebrew Proverb
*When you feel down- go outside and dig in the dirt.  To forget the feeling of dirt on your hands and loose connection with the Earth is to forget yourself.
*Take care of Mother Earth.  Get out in nature.  Ground yourself.
*Keep your home/environment free of mess and clutter.  It is stagnant, dead energy, and it is not good for you. Your home is a reflection of your mind.
*With awareness you can transform everyday cleaning into the sacred. A chore becomes a ritual- creating a place of warmth, safety and peace for yourself and your family.
*Realize and remember your deep connections to the universe.  Your monthly cycle, the phases of the moon, barometric pressure, and the weather… they all effect your mood and feelings. 
*Pay attention to your life’s cyclic patterns- your experience of shedding the old and regeneration, of fullness and emptiness, of rest and activity.
*Allow the “Woman”- who is you, to effectively care for the “girl” inside you.
*Strong women need strong women.  Embrace relationships with the good women in your life.  Draw on these women for strength, humor, endurance and unconditional love.
*You know why I love “The Golden Girls”? …Because it is about good friends and strong women.  Best friends turn “good times” into the “best of times”.  They will make you laugh, advise you and support you like no other.  When your world goes crazy and everything falls apart- you know who will be there to help you pick up all the broken pieces? …Your girlfriends, sisters and mother… and they’ll bring laughter into the grimmest of situations. 
*Trust in God.  

"Cleaning and scrubbing can wait 'till tomorrow.
For babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby and
babies don't keep!"