"PEACE - it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart." -Unknown
Along with many other people, I believe physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health are all tightly intertwined. Psychosomatic Wellness is so important. Whole = mind, body, emotions and spirit in harmony. Recently, I experienced some "challenging times" (as we all do) which allowed for a bit of exploration and a little new found awareness. I was familiar with the energy systems called Chakras, but wanting to know more, I attended a "Lighting up the Chakras" workshop. I found the workshop to be very interesting and extremely helpful so I decided to keep on with my studies and practice of it. Yoga, Chakra work, music, incense, prayer, meditation and getting back to some basics allowed me to "RESET". How wonderful to have such a diverse and plentiful world with so many different ways to look at things.
***Chakra is Sanskrit for "wheel" (spinning) or "disk" (spinning light) and signifies one of the seven major energy centers in the body.
***Each of the centers correlates to major nerve ganglia branching forth from the spinal colomn.
***There are 9 (7 major) centers of energy that effect your well being.
***The energy flows on paths known as meridians which have pressure points. See below, tapping play for kids.
***The Chakras correlate to specific: colors, sounds, parts of body, emotions, glands and organs, senses, Earth elements, particular types of food, and more.
***The 7 Chakras form the energetic basis of your: security, power, relationships, love, truth, insight, and enlightenment.
The body parts associated with the root Chakra are:
~The adrenal gland- To help regulate the gland and Cortisol levels, take: an adaptogen (maca root or licorice root) and extra vitamin C. Eat: extra protein, salmon 2x week, nuts, deep ocean fish and red foods. Avoid caffeine Additional adaptogenic herbs include: Siberian Ginseng, Astragalus, Ashwagandha, Schizandra, Wild Yam, and Dandelion Root. Click here to read about Adrenal Imbalance
~Legs, bones- Minerals including Magnesium /Calcium Magnesium, Calm by Peter Gillham
~Colon- TRIPHALA for an immunity booster, a blood cleanser, detox, weight loss, sluggish metabolism, to strengthen hair roots/for hair growth, and for stress relief. The word ‘triphala’ comes from Sanskrit and literally means ‘three fruits.’ This name comes from the fact that triphala is comprised of three Ayurvedic components: Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), all of which are known to have beneficial effects on our health. However, these three ingredients are known to be even more powerful when taken together than when taken alone. Therefore, these three ingredients are traditionally mixed together to form triphala. I take: Planetary Herbs Triphala.
~Skin issues and/or Hair loss- Take: Triphala, Biotin and Silica
I found it interesting that, women who experience a hair issues, may have an unbalanced Root Chakra regarding feelings about security and home.
Physically, not only have I had some hair issues lately, I have had a bad "twitch" in my leg for 3 years ROOTing down from an annular tear and two pinched nerves at the base of my spine. The placement of the tear causes involuntary nerve firings that: wakes me up at night, is painful and causes spasms/ numbness/ tingling and weakness down my right leg. I actually video taped my calf last week because you can see it moving, pulsing and twitching like there's an alien in there. I have been on medicine, (which I quickly quit), was sent to physical therapy, was tested for MS, had an cortisone epidural (bad idea), and was recommended back surgery (no thanks). 3 orthopedics and my neurologist told me there was not much I could do about the firing nerve. Eventually, if I started to have loss of feeling, I would need surgery to try and avoid any sort of paralysis in that area (NOT something I was interested in "waiting" for).
We are more than just our physical body, so why would we ever only treat just our physical body? Since doing some deep breathing/meditative Chakra work (which I will continue to do and learn about), I have had little to no involuntary nerve firing! Impressive and interesting to say the least.
Improving a three year old back/leg ailment: AWESOME!!
Feeling relaxed, balanced and more at peace: EVEN BETTER!!!
Have you ever had a "gut feeling" about something that's later turned out to be true? Or "butterflies in your stomach"? Ever have "open-hearted" conversation? Ever encountered a situation that's made you "hot under the collar"? Or a person who is "a pain in the neck"? Ever had a thought, "off the top of your head"? Usually you naturally touch, guard, crouch or lean in to a Chakra that is effected. Even an old emotional or physical injury, can cause a lean, tilt or subtle natural guarding of a a blocked Chakra. I am learning to pay attention to areas of my body that tingle, hurt, and/or cause my hands/attention to a certain area.
Chakra meditations, healing music (quartz crystal bowls), visualizations and Yoga can help balance your Chakras. One very simple way is to sit or lay clam and relaxed. Clear your mind and become very still. I love the calm relaxing music of Crystal Bowls or Deuter in the background. Incense (a scent I love), also helps me to relax. First, touch the 1st/Root Chakra and breath very slow and deep, imagining bright spinning red light filling the space of the area as the Chakra opens. Next, move to the 2nd/Sacral/orange... Continue, with meditation as you move from Root to Crown.
You can also energize your Chakras by stimulating the associated sense, for example: smell-1st/root Chakra. Surrounding yourself with the color of the particular Chakra can also energize it. You can do this by eating that color food, wearing the color and even taking a "color bath". Sunlight also helps energize your Chakras.
Gandalf- Blossoms Falling Like Snow on iTunes
Deuter's Sound of Invisible Water (MY FAVORITE) and Escape from Gravity and Kindred Spirits (the whole CD on iTunes)
Brainwave music, ALPHA, BETA, THETA, Steven Halpren
Healing music, Steven Halpren - Crystal bowls
24 hours of Classical music (316 songs for 9.99 on iTunes)
International Therapy of Sound Association - Don Simmons
Tapping Play, My kids taught me how to do this and I LOVE it!!

Along with many other people, I believe physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health are all tightly intertwined. Psychosomatic Wellness is so important. Whole = mind, body, emotions and spirit in harmony. Recently, I experienced some "challenging times" (as we all do) which allowed for a bit of exploration and a little new found awareness. I was familiar with the energy systems called Chakras, but wanting to know more, I attended a "Lighting up the Chakras" workshop. I found the workshop to be very interesting and extremely helpful so I decided to keep on with my studies and practice of it. Yoga, Chakra work, music, incense, prayer, meditation and getting back to some basics allowed me to "RESET". How wonderful to have such a diverse and plentiful world with so many different ways to look at things.
***Chakra is Sanskrit for "wheel" (spinning) or "disk" (spinning light) and signifies one of the seven major energy centers in the body.
***Each of the centers correlates to major nerve ganglia branching forth from the spinal colomn.
***There are 9 (7 major) centers of energy that effect your well being.
***The energy flows on paths known as meridians which have pressure points. See below, tapping play for kids.
***The Chakras correlate to specific: colors, sounds, parts of body, emotions, glands and organs, senses, Earth elements, particular types of food, and more.
***The 7 Chakras form the energetic basis of your: security, power, relationships, love, truth, insight, and enlightenment.
My Experience
Emotionally, The 1st/ROOT Chakra (Muladhara) has to do with: survival, stability, security, safety, feelings about home, simplicity, taking care of yourself/others, practical needs, standing up for yourself and one's right to be here. Indications the Root Chakra may be "off" or blocked, are experiencing feelings of: fear, anxiety and the "FIGHT OR FLIGHT RESPONSE". This resonated with me. The body parts associated with the root Chakra are:
~The adrenal gland- To help regulate the gland and Cortisol levels, take: an adaptogen (maca root or licorice root) and extra vitamin C. Eat: extra protein, salmon 2x week, nuts, deep ocean fish and red foods. Avoid caffeine Additional adaptogenic herbs include: Siberian Ginseng, Astragalus, Ashwagandha, Schizandra, Wild Yam, and Dandelion Root. Click here to read about Adrenal Imbalance
~Legs, bones- Minerals including Magnesium /Calcium Magnesium, Calm by Peter Gillham
~Colon- TRIPHALA for an immunity booster, a blood cleanser, detox, weight loss, sluggish metabolism, to strengthen hair roots/for hair growth, and for stress relief. The word ‘triphala’ comes from Sanskrit and literally means ‘three fruits.’ This name comes from the fact that triphala is comprised of three Ayurvedic components: Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), all of which are known to have beneficial effects on our health. However, these three ingredients are known to be even more powerful when taken together than when taken alone. Therefore, these three ingredients are traditionally mixed together to form triphala. I take: Planetary Herbs Triphala.
~Skin issues and/or Hair loss- Take: Triphala, Biotin and Silica
I found it interesting that, women who experience a hair issues, may have an unbalanced Root Chakra regarding feelings about security and home.
Physically, not only have I had some hair issues lately, I have had a bad "twitch" in my leg for 3 years ROOTing down from an annular tear and two pinched nerves at the base of my spine. The placement of the tear causes involuntary nerve firings that: wakes me up at night, is painful and causes spasms/ numbness/ tingling and weakness down my right leg. I actually video taped my calf last week because you can see it moving, pulsing and twitching like there's an alien in there. I have been on medicine, (which I quickly quit), was sent to physical therapy, was tested for MS, had an cortisone epidural (bad idea), and was recommended back surgery (no thanks). 3 orthopedics and my neurologist told me there was not much I could do about the firing nerve. Eventually, if I started to have loss of feeling, I would need surgery to try and avoid any sort of paralysis in that area (NOT something I was interested in "waiting" for).
We are more than just our physical body, so why would we ever only treat just our physical body? Since doing some deep breathing/meditative Chakra work (which I will continue to do and learn about), I have had little to no involuntary nerve firing! Impressive and interesting to say the least.
Improving a three year old back/leg ailment: AWESOME!!
Feeling relaxed, balanced and more at peace: EVEN BETTER!!!
Chakra meditations, healing music (quartz crystal bowls), visualizations and Yoga can help balance your Chakras. One very simple way is to sit or lay clam and relaxed. Clear your mind and become very still. I love the calm relaxing music of Crystal Bowls or Deuter in the background. Incense (a scent I love), also helps me to relax. First, touch the 1st/Root Chakra and breath very slow and deep, imagining bright spinning red light filling the space of the area as the Chakra opens. Next, move to the 2nd/Sacral/orange... Continue, with meditation as you move from Root to Crown.
You can also energize your Chakras by stimulating the associated sense, for example: smell-1st/root Chakra. Surrounding yourself with the color of the particular Chakra can also energize it. You can do this by eating that color food, wearing the color and even taking a "color bath". Sunlight also helps energize your Chakras.
Gandalf- Blossoms Falling Like Snow on iTunes
Deuter's Sound of Invisible Water (MY FAVORITE) and Escape from Gravity and Kindred Spirits (the whole CD on iTunes)
Brainwave music, ALPHA, BETA, THETA, Steven Halpren
Healing music, Steven Halpren - Crystal bowls
24 hours of Classical music (316 songs for 9.99 on iTunes)
International Therapy of Sound Association - Don Simmons
Tapping Play, My kids taught me how to do this and I LOVE it!!