Water, food, air... necessities of life that our beautiful Earth provides~~~
And water? ...Ever look at the amount of chemicals that are in our biggest and most vital natural resource? I know, I know... it seems nit picky. Pointless. BUT what if a simple change, like drinking pure water, could drastically improve your health? Your children's health? We do have a weird rise in cancer, autism... maybe it's all the stuff in the water? Everyday we drink: toxins, chlorine, pharmaceuticals, trihalomethanes, fluoride, lead, nitrates, arsenics, contaminants and God only knows what else. The water company doesn't even test for most contaminants. And for Cobb County, just in the basic tests done: the AVERAGE result for each test was at the max level before violation. Chlorine is put in our water to clean it because it's cheap- NOT because it is best. Orange County, CA and Beverly Hills use Reverse Osmosis for their municipal drinking water. According to the U.S. Council of Environmental Quality‚ "Cancer risk among people drinking chlorinated water is as much as 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine." There is a lot of well-founded concern about chlorine. When chlorine is added to our water‚ it combines with other natural compounds to form Trihalomethanes (chlorination byproducts)‚ or THMs. These chlorine by-products trigger the production of free radicals in the body‚ causing cell damage‚ and are highly carcinogenic. Chlorine is also suspected to contribute to hardening of the arteries‚ the primary cause of heart disease.
"Up to 2/3 of the harmful effects of chlorine are due to inhalation and skin absorption while showering."
- The American Journal Of Public Health
I have a BERKEY DRINKING FILTER, SHOWER FILTERand BATH BALL to remove chlorine and chemicals from the water I shower in and water I bathe my children in. A vitamin C shower filter is also good and removes 99% of chlorine.
- The EPA has stated that every household in the United States has elevated levels of chloroform in the air due to chlorine released from showering water.
- Tap water often contains at least as much, if not more, chlorine than is recommended for use in swimming pools.
- More chlorine enters the body through dermal absorption and inhalation while showering than through drinking tap water.
- The chlorine in showering water has harsh, drying effects on skin and hair.
- Skin pores widen while showering, making dermal absorption of chlorine and other chemicals possible.
- The chlorine in showering water can cause rashes and other skin irritations when absorbed by the skin.
- Chemicals in showering water vaporize at a much faster rate than the actual water. Thus, the steam in a shower contains a much higher concentration of chemicals than the water itself.
- Inhaled chemicals make their way into the bloodstream much more quickly than ingested chemicals, without the added filtration benefits of digestion.
- More water contaminants are released into the air of a home from the shower than from any other source.
- Chlorine is a suspected cause of breast cancer. Women suffering from breast cancer are all found to have 50-60 percent more chlorine in their breast tissue than healthy women.
Have you read your water report?
Cobb County:
Fulton County:
City of Roswell:
Cherokee County:
"We are learning the hard way that all the time we thought we were preventing epidemics of one disease‚ we were creating another. Two decades after the start of chlorinating our drinking water the present epidemic of heart trouble and cancer began."
- Dr. Joseph M. Price‚ PhD